Now we will trace humanity’s journey from the
garden to the larger world. We are also
observing the trajectory of evil and how it manifested itself in our earliest
history. Before we follow our First Parents
as they make their way in the world, let’s review what their disobedience brought
in to creation.
Death enters in to stay: Adam
was instructed by God directly: “…but
you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you
eat of it, you will surely die.” (Gen. 2:17)
Not only would will Adam and Eve die, their spirits will die as well. The covering for their sin required the death
of innocent animals. The blood poured
from a multitude of sacrificial animals as we travel through the Old Testament. This blood was a visual reminder of how death was not
part of the original creation and how blood must cover sin, to restore
fellowship between a holy God and His fallen children.
only will disease and old age take away the lives of Adam’s descendants, but Adam
and Eve witnessed the death of their son.
The first act outside the Garden was murder.
Toil enters in to stay: The earth was abundantly fruitful until Adam
Before Adam: “and there was no man to work the ground, but
streams came up from the earth and watered the whole surface…” (Gen. 2:6).
After Adam:
“Cursed is the ground because of you; through
painful toil you will eat food from it all the days of your life.” (Gen
3:18) Thistles and thorns
dominated the landscape and no longer would the earth gladly yield its harvest to
man. Famine stalked the land; poor harvests meant death
for many people. Death came to plants as well: blights, rusts, and
molds withered and destroyed them. The
ground itself was “cursed” because of Adam’s sin. Adam’s descendants will
live precariously from it, never sure if the harvest will suffice. Death will
always be one bad harvest away.
Pain enters in to stay: Eve will scream in childbirth, so that even
in the giving of new life, her cries will be a stark reminder of sin and its
curse. Her descendants’ babies will occasionally
die. Husbands will stand helplessly by
as some wives bleed to death after labor.
Eve will be “ruled over” by her husband, and her descendants will walk
under the controlling hand of the men in the world--stifled, suffocated and
sometimes killed. Some men will rule
with love. Some will rule with hate.
Displacement enters in to stay: Humans sense this creation is not quite
right. We have an ancient memory of a
golden age, a time when the planet didn’t seem so hostile to us. We have been trying to get back to Eden since
the day we left. We are wanderers and
try to desperately recreate home. We feel
unsettled as a species, always searching for security and safety. Adam and Eve wandered and their descendants did so as well, ever restless in spirit.
Adam and
Eve’s Family
We meet
Abel and Cain. Both are toiling: Abel manages the flocks and Cain tills the
soil. The death of sheep provides food and
clothing to Adam’s family and the earth’s abundance comes only from work: “Now Abel kept flocks, and Cain worked
the soil. In the course of time Cain brought some of the
fruits of the soil as an offering to the Lord. And Abel also brought an offering—fat portions from some of
the firstborn of his flock. The Lord
looked with favor on Abel and his offering, but on Cain and
his offering he did not look with favor.” (Gen. 4:2-5)
Interesting. Abel is honoring God
by bringing Him the best from the flock—the firstborn. Look at the faith this takes: I give the firstborn to God with no guarantee
that second-borns will appear. I am
trusting God and His goodness to bring forth multiple generations and thus the
firstborn is His. If nothing appears
after that, then I am still honoring God.
Look at Cain, however. He is the firstborn son, and clearly knows
what he has to do: bring an offering.
(If the younger brother knows this, surely the elder knows it.) What does he bring? Not the first fruits, but “some of the fruits of the soil.”
“Some”--not the best, not the first of the harvest, but “some.” Cain, like Adam listening directly to God, was
instructed on what to do directly by his father.
Cain, listen to me: Yes, we toil, but what is yielded first
belongs to Him as an acknowledgement that this is His creation and He still
provides for us, even though we don’t deserve it. We deserve only thistles and thorns, but He
still allows the cursed soil to bring forth grains to mill, berries to pick and
kale to pull. We are blessed even in the
midst of the curse. So, don’t forget: Give the best to God and trust Him for the
The next thing that entered into creation to stay was rejection of God’s very words: Cain, like his father, heard what he should
do and yet chose to disobey. If God
looked “with favor” on Abel’s offering but not so on Cain’s, then clearly Abel
was being obedient and Cain was not. Cain
followed his own logic and thought his offering was acceptable.
We create our own version of how things
should be, rebelling against God’s very words.
The serpent’s words of “Did God really say?” will echo throughout our
history, leading us to create thoughts and actions we approve of and
that consequently we will act upon.
“Then the Lord said to Cain, “Why are you angry? Why is your face
downcast? If you do what is right, will you not be accepted?
But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires
to have you, but you must rule over it” (Gen. 4:6-7)
Listen to Me, Cain:
I know that your offering seems right to you, but I have expressly told
you what to offer. Your brother’s is
living proof of that. This logic, this
rebellion, this sin, will destroy your relationship with Me. Like your parents, who could eat any fruit
but one, you can make an offering aligned with My instructions, and I will
continue to fellowship with you. Ignore My
words and sin will consume you. Hear My
words and you will walk in freedom.
Result? Did Cain run and get the right offering? Did he decide that fellowship with his God
was the most important aspect to his existence?
That God’s very words were life and he wanted to remain in that
life? No.
Now murder entered into creation to stay. Cain lures Abel into a field for the sole
purpose of killing him. The Garden of God’s
presence was replaced with a field of dirt and spilt blood. The wet grass of the Garden showed God’s
footprints as He passed. The field of
dirt will show two sets of footprints and then only one.
Cain’s response will echo chillingly
throughout our history: “Am I my brother’s
keeper?” Our First Parents’ sin was
against God Himself; their descendants will sin against God and each
Listen carefully to the first cry of a mother of a murdered child.
Look ahead and see the Holocaust reflected in that blood-soaked dirt.
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